Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau

This is NOT an emergency reporting system.  Call 911 if someone is in immediate danger.


Failure to Report is a Class A Misdemeanor for a person who is required under the law to report.

Filing a False Report is also a Class A Misdemeanor. 


Director of Child and Youth Protection: William Holtmeyer, Jr, MS, NCC, LPC, CEAP, 417-866-0841


The Diocesan community shares the responsibility for an orderly and safe environment.  Please use this form to report your concerns regarding the safety and security of children, youth, parishioners, employees, volunteers and/or property.  You may also use this form to report concerns about violations of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees and Adult Volunteers working with Minors.  This is not intended to replace direct contact with administration. Please feel free to contact any parish, school or office in the Diocese with any issues or concerns you may have. 

You may make a report anonymously through this site, however, we cannot guarantee a complete and full investigation or notification of the outcome of any report without your name and contact (phone number or email address) information.

To begin, please choose your city, location and incident type: